guess the number, chosen from 1-20
a correct guess gives you 15x your money back!
Look up the rules if you don't know them, too complex to explain here
winning results in double your bet.
please note, this is a simplified version of blackjack, no insurance or ace+10, infinite deck. aces are calculated for you, dealer cannot draw above 17. just get above the dealer and below 22 (innit)
no duplicates - 0x
pair of the same fruit - 2x
three of the same fruit - 40x
1 cat - 5x
2 cats - 20x
3 cats - 200x!!
he just chills out there, has 4 emotions:
1. VERY HAPPY - when you are loaded
2. neutral/happyish - when you haven't made a big loss/a moderate amount of cash
3. sad - when you've lost a significant amount of money from the starting $1k
4. VERY ANGRY - when you're at 0 or below... he makes his anger quite clear here
debt now has a message telling ya you earned less... looks a bit ugly
need to make pressing enter on the input for the slots spin 'em - should finish quickly
kinda wish i did that quicker tbh - also i think im gonna use this format (time within the same post) but i doubt ill ever use this changelog again
ALSO forgot to mention you can go 100 dollars in debt now :)
it's my gift to the gamblers for the holiday
unlucky for you, the bank doesnt like debts - you will lose like 10% of your income when in debt
im just gonna listen to music and spin the slots for a few hours... i wonder if it's more fun with real money
OH also idk how to make the blackjack images render quicker just get good ig
Starting this a bit late ... Happy Birthday Alexei!
Okay, I've added the slot machine, and fiddled with the icons. Fixed the text running onto the same line as well.
I did all this stuff a few days ago but only thought to add this now. >:(
Let me know if the chances for the slot machine are bad - I've been testing it and getting stupidly lucky.
and also craig is now the icon at the top of the page